Yesterday, I went to the Fort Lauderdale Fit Expo and I had the best time. It was my first time going to a Fit Expo and it won’t be my last. The Fort Lauderdale Fit Expo is South Florida’s Largest Fitness Expo. Last year, I had made plans to go to the Fit Expo, but it was canceled due to Hurricane Matthew.
The Fit Expo
Honestly, I was like a kid in a candy store at the Fit Expo. They had everything fitness that you could imagine…the latest supplements, gear, and apparel. There were body building seminars, boot camps, and a fitness competition. Included in your paid admission to the Expo is a one-year (10 issues) magazine subscription. You could choose either Women’s Health or Men’s Health Magazine. I chose Women’s Health and believe it our not this will be my first magazine subscription Ever!
I got to the Expo right at 10am when it opened. It wasn’t busy. I was able to go around to all the booths, grab samples, check out some gear, and meet the athletes. is one of the main sponsors for this event and they by far gave away the best samples. They gave you a bag, supplement samples, postcard inserts with a bio of the athletes that were present, a hat, a shirt and a shaker bottle. All of the other booths gave away similar items but no where near the extent that did.
I got to meet and take a photo with Demi Bagby. If you don’t know who she is check her out on Instagram. She’s an amazing athlete. She posts a ton of videos doing hand stands and back flips.
Healthy Living Pavilion
After I walked around the Expo for a bit, I checked out the Healthy Living Pavilion. There I got to meet Nina Nam. She was the 2015 contestant winner for’s $80,000.00 Transformation Challenge. They served tuna wraps, with vegan chips while she briefly went over what she did to win the challenge. She also read an excerpt from her upcoming book that she will be releasing later this year. After Nina’s presentation I was able to catch up with her back stage. She is the sweetest person I’ve ever met. Nina answered my questions related to competing and finding the right coach. She even invited me out to the LA FitExpo in January. Which I’m seriously considering.
Next I walked over to the main stage. Where I got to hear Jim Stoppani, PhD give a seminar on Training. From his appearance you wouldn’t expect him to have a PhD, he was covered in tattoos from head to toe. It was a really informative seminar. I am not familiar with Jim Stoppani or his work but I soon will be.
Back at the Healthy Living Pavilion athlete Vanessa Cine spoke about an app called BodySpace and how to use it. That you can track your workouts and meet other fitness enthusiasts thru the app. It sounded really cool. I think I’m going to check it out.
As I was walking around the Expo I came across this event called Battle of the Bars. A group of guys were competing against each other doing Calisthenics. It was a thrill to watch. I was nervous for some of the guys as they were doing wild tricks on the bars.
Before I left the Expo, I circled back to the Healthy Living Pavilion. They were serving samples of a Halo Top chocolate protein shake with whipped coconut cream. Mmmmhhh!!! It was Delicious!
Waist Trainer
As I was leaving I stopped by this booth I had checked out earlier and bought a waist trainer. I’ve never really thought much of them but this women got me to try it on. It felt amazing for my spine and posture. It got me thinking to when I squat and do deadlifts, I’d love to have the extra support. Click here to see what else I have in my gym bag.
As I said earlier this was my first time going to a Fit Expo but it won’t be my last. I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post. If you have any questions be sure to comment below. Now I am going to patiently wait for my first subscription of Women’s health to arrive in the mail.
I vlogged while I was at the Fit Expo for my YouTube channel. You can experience it for yourself by watching the video below.
Don’t forget to “Like” this video and “Subscribe” to my YouTube channel. So you can watch my latest videos. I upload new videos every Sunday and Thursday. I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post. If you have any questions please comment below.