Recently, I found myself in a rut. If you don’t know what a rut is. A rut is a habit or pattern of behavior that has become dull and unproductive but is hard to change. At the time I wasn’t getting enough sleep, I hadn’t worked out in days, and I didn’t want to create content. I just felt awful. I knew that I was in a slump. But, I didn’t know what to do about it. Until one day, I finally said enough was enough and made a plan to make a change
How To Get Out Of A Rut
What I am about to share with you, is how to get out of a rut. These tips helped me get out of a rut and I hope that they can help you too.
Sleep It Off
Since I felt exhausted, I decided that was where I needed to start. I needed to get back into a routine of sleeping a solid eight hours. I’m one of those people that cannot function without sleep. If I’m not well rested then I tend to be numb to everything that’s going on around me. Or I’m in a grouchy mood and very irritable. So make sure that you are getting a good nights sleep. I would start there. If you struggle with sleeping at night. Then read my blog post on, Tips For A Good Night’s Sleep.
Workout Consistently
If you guys follow me on social media, then you know that I am a Personal Trainer. I hadn’t worked out in days and I knew that was definitely not helping my situation. There’s just something about getting a solid workout in that makes me feel so good. You can workout from home, go to the gym, and or do yoga. If that’s not your thing, then go for a run. Just get active.
When you workout you release endorphins in your body that help elevate your mood. For inspiration, on different workouts that you can do. Read some of my previous blog posts, where I share “Workouts” that I have done. You can also check out my YouTube channel, where I have a “Workout Videos” playlist.
Change Your Environment
Your environment can influence your behavior and motivation to act. With that said, change your environment. When I found myself in a rut. I decided to clean my entire house from top to bottom. While I was cleaning, I ended up rearranging my furniture and organizing things differently from how I had them.
My house not only felt different but it also looked different. I was forced to interact with my environment differently due to all of the changes that I had made. Ultimately, that made me change the pattern of behavior that got me into the rut to begin with.
Practice Self Care
Self-care is anything you do to take care of yourself so you can stay physically, mentally, and emotionally well. When you don’t feel like yourself, practicing self care doesn’t sound appealing at all. With that said, I decided to make it a priority. By taking a shower, washing my hair, and doing my nails. After doing those things, I felt more like myself. My mood was definitely elevated.
Practicing self care has been proven to reduce anxiety, depression, and stress.
Journal Your Feelings
Journaling has helped me feel my feelings. When I found myself in a rut and I didn’t know why. I just journaled about how I was feeling and it helped me find clarity in what I could do to help myself. For example, the tips that I am sharing with you now. There is no right or wrong way to journal. Just write down whatever comes to mind and go with it.
Confide In Someone
Confide in someone close to you that you respect and trust. Tell them that you going through a hard time and would like to have someone to talk to. I’ve done this in the past and you’d be surprised by how helpful it can be to confide in someone. More often than not. I have gotten great advice, seen things from a different perspective, and found a solution to a problem that I was having by confiding in someone.
Socialize With Others
By default, when you’re in a rut you feel like hibernating and just being alone. You don’t want to be bothered with other people and you end up staying home and watching Netflix. What you should be doing is the complete opposite. We as human beings are social animals. Socializing is crucial for our well-being and happiness. So get out there and socialize with your family and friends.
Get Outdoors
If you are not up for socializing with others. Then get outdoors. Being in nature is known to have a positive impact on the brain. The inside loop in my neighborhood is about a mile. I will walk the inside loop from time to time and it always boosts my mood. Not to mention that taking a walk outside is a great way to get some fresh air, vitamin d, and exercise.
Evaluate Your Goals
Lastly, I would recommend evaluating your goals. If you truly want to get out of a rut, then you need to change something. Your routine has become dull, repetitive, and unproductive. With that said, evaluating your goals will give you a sense of purpose. I took an afternoon one day to evaluated my goals. Do you want to know what happened? I found clarity on what I wanted to do, how I wanted to spend my time, and what I should be focused. If you need help with setting goals then read my blog post on, How To Set And Achieve Your Goals.
I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post, on how to get out of a rut. Again, these tips helped me get out of a rut and I hope that they can help you too. If you have any questions feel free to comment down below.

I did enjoy it! I’m not up to the point in working out that I need to be, but I’m making progress.
That’s Great!!! Strive for progress not perfection. 💕