I attended Playlist Live: The Ultimate Creator Event in Orlando this past weekend. It was my first time going and I had so much fun. For those of you that are not familiar with Playlist Live. It’s the ultimate creator event for content creators and their biggest fans. The conference began on Friday which was business day and then Saturday and Sunday were the core days for the event. Starting from 10am until late hours in the night there were activities that you could attend throughout the entire weekend.
Playlist Live: The Ultimate Creator Event
I checked into the conference on Friday which was Business Day. I received a badge with my name on it, the schedule for the conference, and a clear plastic bag to put my personal belongings. In order to attend business day you needed to buy a Business Pass. I chose to buy a Business Pass because I wanted to take advantage of all three days. I figured Friday would be a great opportunity for me to network with others in the business. I’m so glad that I did. I made a lot of connections on Friday that I am looking forward to following up on in the coming weeks.
Below is a run down of the panel discussions and workshops that I attended each day. As well as the shenanigans I got into after hours.
Friday April 27th (Business Day)
How to Master a Multi-Platform Strategy: In this panel discussion they went over how you can best research, plan, and execute a well rounded social media campaign. They stressed to utilize each platform for it’s strengths.
Tools & Tech for Quality Content Creation: The panelist here discussed what tools they currently use and how they are keeping up with the latest developments. Most of the tools I was already familiar with like iMovie, Adobe, Premier, and Final Cut. However, there were a few I’ve never heard of and took note that I am going to research later on.
Creating and Growing Revenue Streams for Online Video: Here creators explored ways to monetize without relying solely on Adsense. That fans and communities are wanting to get involved in supporting creators now more than ever. Some streams that they mentioned were merchandise, crowdfunding, and brand deals.
Knowing What You’re Worth: This panel discussed the best ways to determine your worth and how to communicate that to the brands you are working with. A lot depends on the campaign and the client. As there is always usually a budget in mind. But creators should not be afraid to reach out to brands and negotiate their price.
The True Return on Investment of Influencer Marketing: In this panel they talked through various tactics that had a good return on investment. What influencers want to see when working with a brand. What a staple marketing mix looks like with different budgets. How to get in touch with brands and ultimately how to get the brands to invest in your pitch/idea.
Building a Programming Strategy: Here the panelists spoke about how they maximize their production time and resources by sharing their content creation schedule. Everyone had an upload schedule where they upload content consistently on specific days for their audience. Some create 3-4 videos in one day (changing clothes).
Navigating Algorithm Changes: Many platforms are changing their algorithm and it is making it more difficult for users to discover your content as a creator. In this panel they discussed how to adapt to these changes. They stressed they you do not own any of these platform. And that it is important to develop a loyal tribe and or community.
Cameo Lei Party: After the panel discussions and workshops were finished for the day I ended up going to the Cameo Lei Party by the pool. I sat down by the bar and made fast friends with a group of girls who I ended up hanging out with over the entire weekend. The Cameo Lei Party with lit. There was a DJ in the middle of the pool spinning tunes. As it got dark out the DJ put on a huge light display that went along with the music.
Saturday April 28th
One on One with International Digital Star Ms. Yeah: I thought this would be a good workshop to go to in order to learn how to branch out into different markets. However, it was a bit of a hot mess. Ms. Yeah attempted to cook something on stage as she answered questions, but the appliances on stage kept losing power. Also, it was very difficult to understand her, as English isn’t her first language.
Building a Brand: On this panel creators spoke about how branding your business is one of the most important things you can do in order to establish an audience. The creators shared how they branded their businesses and made them stand out.
Creating a Community: Here creators discussed how to create a community. That even though you may have a lot of subscribers, it doesn’t mean that your audience is engaged.
Roles of Representation: I was very intrigued by this panel discussion. They explained the difference between roles of representation. I learned the difference between an agent, manager, and MCN and how you can benefit from being represented. They also discussed how involved each role should be and how best to communicate with them.
Staying Motivated: This panel discussed different ways creators stay motivated to keep creating content. That creator fatigue is a thing and can get overwhelming at times. Whether its writing ideas down as they come to you, changing your environment, and or planning ahead.
Sushi and Seoul: I took a break and explored the food trucks that they had lined up outside. I went with Sushi Seoul and had a bento box with spicy tuna and vegetables. It was so delicious and hit the spot. You can never go wrong with sushi.
The Switch to Twitch: This panel explored how YouTubers are migrating over to twitch. Creators that are currently using twitch to live stream to their audience discussed the how there is very little competition right now. They also explained how twitch is better at servicing the creators and their audience.
Advice Session with Pro Creators: I enjoyed this workshop very much because they curated it into a more intimate setting. The moderator broke the room into four groups. A creator was paired with each group where we could ask them questions. After, about fifteen minutes or so the creators would switch and move to a new group. It was nice getting to see their personalities up close and also get their honest feedback on certain topics.
Jeremiahs Italian Ice: My sweet tooth got the best of me and I ended up back at the food trucks. I got a vanilla ice cream in a cone with sprinkles on top from Jeremiahs Italian Ice. It half melted in my hand as I took photos for Instagram.
The AwesomenessTV Pool Party: Once all of the activities were done for the day everyone went outside where AwesomenessTv hosted a Pool Party. The girls I had met the day before met me by the bar. We partied for most of the night. We got to witness a beautiful firework display. I don’t know if it was for Playlist Live or coming from Disney. Either way I enjoyed it.
VIP Party
On business day I met the event coordinator. He ended up giving me a wristband to go to one of the VIP Parties. Thanks Bobby!!! After the firework display I made an appearance at the Districtlines & FullScreen VIP Party. Security was strict. You had to have a wrist band and your I.D. in order to get in. The party was hosted in one of the ballrooms at the resort. There was a dance floor with a dj and dancers on platforms. They also had lounge areas and an open bar. I met up with some people I had met earlier in the day. I ended up staying for about an hour before I called it a night.
Sunday April 29th
Creating Branded Content: This panel discussed what to look for in a brand when considering a partnership. It also touched base on how to maintain your authenticity and how brand deals are negotiated.
Using your YouTube Channel For Other Opportunities: Youtube is a great stepping stone for many into other avenues. In this discussion I heard how other creators used their youtube channel to branch out into other jobs. Some of these other jobs include production, starting a business, marketing and so much more.
Making Money: Here panelists explored different ways that content creators are diversifying into multiple streams of revenue outside of Adsense. Whether it be podcasts, music, merchandise, and or books.
Using Instagram to Tell Your Story: Creators discussed how to best use instagram to connect with your followers and broaden your overall reach. To first figurer out your objective then create the content.
How to be a Better YouTuber: Popular creators shared their best practices to optimize your youtube channel. its all in the details and working smarter not harder.
In Conclusion
Overall, I’m really happy that I went Playlist Live: The Ultimate Creator Event. I gained a lot of insight from a video content creator perspective. Also, I am so grateful for the amazing people I met over the weekend that made it worth while. You can definitely expect to see some collaborations in the near future. Even though I had an amazing time I don’t know that I would go again. I got the impression that the conference was more geared towards a younger crowd. Most of the people that attended weren’t content creators. But, fans there to meet their favorite creators at various meet ups.
I vlogged the entire weekend for my YouTube Channel. Be sure to check out the video linked below to experience Playlist Live: The Ultimate Creator Event for yourself.
Don’t forget to “Like” this video and “Subscribe” to my YouTube channel. So you can keep up with my latest videos. I upload new videos every Sunday and Thursday. I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post. If you have any questions please comment down below.
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