A few weeks ago I was in Orlando for a blog conference called #BlogHer17. It was a three day conference, that I had been looking forward to for months. I didn’t know what to expect. This was my first time going. I was really excited to get the opportunity to meet other bloggers, network, and go to different workshops.
The conference was absolutely AMAZING!!! Everyone was genuinely nice and sweet and so happy to be there. It was women supporting women and it was beautiful to see. I feel very fortunate to have been apart of this conference because I am taking away a wealth of knowledge and growth in just three days.
Even though I have a YouTube channel and this Blog. I can be an introvert at times…This event forced me to be an extrovert and I welcomed the challenge with open arms. I approached groups of women, tables even and just introduced myself. I started a conversation with a complete stranger and in this setting it was acceptable and welcomed. They engaged my conversation and we formed a bond, getting to know one another.
I got a crash course in how to execute a proper handshake (a firm grip with two tugs in case you were wondering) I maneuvered my way into exchanging business cards when it was appropriate and I gained confidence in my brand and my purpose as to why I was there.ย Below is a quick run down of each day. There was so much more involved in each day than what I wrote below. But if I kept writing this blog post would never end.
Thursday June 22nd
Check in for the conference was at 3:00 pm. They gave you a lanyard with a badge with your name on it along with a brochure of the sponsors and a map of the conference area. Next they had you walked over to the tote bag table where they had bag full of goodies from all of the sponsors at the conference. At 4:30 pm the conference started in the main hall. They kick started the event with a few keynote speakers among them where Chelsea Clinton and Cecile Richards. Around 6:00 pm they opened the Expo Hall where you could meet and greet with different brands and sponsors.
Friday June 23rd
Since this was my first time going to #BlogHer17. I went to the “Newbie Breakfast” at 7:30 am. Where they had a beautiful display of breakfast items as well as the tables decorated with yet another tote bag and a notebook and pen. After breakfast the “newbies” joined everyone in the main hall at 8:30 am for more keynote speakers and then the workshops began.
I attended two workshops and then for lunch they had Serena Williams as the keynote speaker. She spoke about an organization that she is passionate about The purple purse foundation and Serena also talked about how “Pressure is a Privilege.” That the pressures we endure are a privilege because they present opportunities that test our character and help us grow. Luvvie Ajayi spoke after Serena and I was blown away by her personality.
After lunch more workshops and then they held an event called the voices of the year where bloggers submitted some of their work and where able to present and showcase them. Afterwards there was a reception in the lobby. I met a group of ladies in the lobby and we all decided to go get dinner and drinks. I hit it off with one of the girls who was a local to Orlando and we ended up going downtown and partying the rest of the night.
Saturday June 24th
8:00 am breakfast yet again followed by more keynote speakers, workshops, lunch with keynote speakers Carla Hall and Cat Cora followed by more workshops and the closing party. The closing party was off the chain. If you can imagine a large group of women battling it out on the dance floor to Spice Girls and Britney Spears. Whoa!!!ย I vlogged the entire weekend for my YouTube channel. I have the videos linked below for you to watch..
Don’t forget to “Like” these videos and to “Subscribe” to my YouTube channel. So you can keep up with my latest videos. I upload new videos every Sunday and Thursday. It was bittersweet driving home on Sunday. It was an absolutely amazing conference, I’ll even go so far as to say life changing as well. I picked up so many nuggets of wisdom over the weekend that I can’t wait to share with you all. I still need some time to process all of what I learned.ย Prepare to be inspired.
Since I had such a great time at #BlogHer17, I decided to attend BlogHer18 in New York!!!