I was in college when I first heard about laser hair removal. If you’ve never hard of laser hair removal. Basically it’s the process of hair removal, where hair follicles are heated and destroyed by pulses from a laser light. What appealed most to me about laser hair removal was that I would not have to fuss with razors, get bikini waxes, or take as long to get ready. Keep reading to learn all about my laser hair removal experience.
My Laser Hair Removal Experience
Ideal Image
After doing extensive research online on laser hair removal. I met with Ideal Image and had a consultation for the Brazilian bikini and to treat my under arms. I signed up and had my first treatment that same day. After two weeks, I could already see results.
At Ideal Image, prior to my sessions, I had to make sure that I shaved the day before. I also had to make sure that the area I was getting treated was not exposed to the sun for at least two weeks prior. I would go in for a treatment every 8-12 weeks. An hour before my appointment, I would put on a numbing cream on the areas that were getting treated. Once there I would wipe off the numbing cream and we would begin the treatment.
The staff was always professional and distracted me with conversation as we went through the treatment. At first, the treatments were painless. But as they continued, the laser got stronger each time I went. It was painful at times but not more than a few seconds. After the treatment they would offer aloe if you wanted to put it on the area that was treated. Occasionally I would opt to use the aloe.
After I completed my treatments with Ideal Image, I could see a difference in the texture of my skin and coloring in the areas that I had treated. My skin was smooth and there was no pigment from any hair follicles. I was so happy with my results. I wanted to continue treatments with other parts of my body like my legs. But I was very busy with work and had just started graduate school at the time. So additional treatments had to wait.
Overall, I loved the results that I got from Ideal Image. However, I didn’t enjoy sessions towards the end of my treatment. Due to the laser being stronger, those sessions were quite painful.
Laser by Nicole
A few years later, while working in sales. I had a client that I was working with, that had just opened up her own laser hair removal business. Again, I was intrigued and immediately began to probe her for questions, regarding which treatments she did and pricing.
She was significantly more affordable than Ideal Image. I thought she was joking when she first quoted me a price for my legs. I had wanted to go back and do my legs for some time. However, I was nervous about going to her because she had just opened her business. I went home, did my research, and after contemplating for about a week. I decided to try her out.
At Laser by Nicole, Nicole used a completely different laser than the one they used at Ideal Image. With Nicole, I did not have to put numbing cream on. All I had to do was make sure that I shaved the day before my treatment. I also had to make sure that the area that I was getting treated, had not been exposed to the sun for about two weeks prior.
During my treatments, Nicole would put a water-based ultra sound gel all over my legs prior to getting started. Next, Nicole gently moved the laser across my legs in an upward and downward movement. I felt no pain at all. Two weeks, after my first treatment, the hairs on my legs were falling out on their own. At Ideal Image the laser would get stronger as I continued my treatments, that was not the case with Laser By Nicole. The laser remained at the same level throughout my entire laser hair removal treatment.
Overall, I throughly enjoyed working with Nicole and would highly recommend her services if you’re interested in laser hair removal.
Laser Hair Removal Misconception
A misconception, that I want to address with laser hair removal, is that it lasts forever. Yes, essentially that is the idea. However, that is not the case. Your body goes through stages throughout your lifetime. For example, puberty, pregnancy, and menopause, just to name a few.
With that said, there is the potential for spots of hair re-growth to happen over time. However, both Ideal Image and Laser by Nicole offer touch ups. After you have completed your treatment for a small fee. It’s common to go back for touch ups once a year and or every couple of years. Depending on the amount of hair re-growth.
Laser Hair Removal Devices
Recently, laser hair removal devices have become very popular. I personally have no interest in buying an at home laser hair removal device. After having gone to both Ideal Image and Laser By Nicole. I would prefer to get laser hair removal done by a professional. Although the at home laser hair removal devices work the same way as getting it done professionally. The intensity of the devices are much lower compared to professional treatments.
This concludes my laser hair removal experience. I consider this to be by far one of the best investments that I have ever made. If and when I decide to do a touch up due to hair re-growth. I will be sure to update this blog post and or write a new one sharing that experience as well. I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post. If you have any questions feel free to comment down below.
Since we’re on the topic of hair, read these other posts where I go over My Hair Care Routine and The Keratin Treatment.

I like your info on the different items you have tried it is very helpful. Especially from a personal perspective.
Good. I’m glad. Thanks for commenting.😊