I posted a leg circuit workout video on my YouTube channel and wanted to compliment it with a blog post. This workout is broken up into two circuits. I have the exercises listed below along with the link to the video.
Leg Circuit Workout
Do each exercise for 12 reps and rest 30 seconds before moving on to the next exercise. Complete four rounds for each circuit.
Circuit One
- Leg Press: Sit down and hold your feet about shoulder width apart on the platform in front of you. Then push the platform forward by pushing with the heel of your foot and extending your legs. Be sure to keep your knees slightly bent (do not lock them). Pause and hold. Then slowly lower the platform back down to where you started.
- Leg Extension: Start by placing your legs under the pad and placing your hands on the side bars. Then using your quads extend your legs out in front of you. Pause and hold. Then slowly lower your legs back down to where you started.
- Leg Curl: Start by sitting down and positioning your body on the machine. Then curl your legs back as far as you can. Pause and hold. Then slowly lowers your legs back down to where you started.
- Standing Cable Kickbacks: Wrap a cuff attachment around your ankle. Then hook the attachment to a low cable pulley. Facing the pulley, grab the steel frame for support. Keeping your core tight and engaged, lift the leg with the ankle cuff up and slowly push back. Be sure to fully extend your leg and squeeze your glutes at the top. Pause and hold. Then slowly lower your leg back to where you started.
- Side Cable Kicks: This is similar to a kickback. The only difference is that instead of kicking back you are going to push your leg out to the side. Wrap a cuff attachment around your ankle. Then hook the attachment to a low cable pulley. Standing next to the pulley, grab the steel frame for support. Keeping your core tight and engaged, lift the leg with the ankle cuff up and slowly push to the side. Pause and hold. Then slowly lower your leg back to where you started.
Circuit Two
- Split Lunges: Start in a lunge stance. Place one foot forward with the knee bent, and bend the back knee as well. Swing both of your arms and jump as high as possible. As you jump up switch the positions of your legs. When you land you should still be in the lunge position.
- Jumping Squats: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Then slowly lower your knees and hips back as if you were going to sit in a chair. Pause and hold. Next jump up and raise your body forward until you are back where you started.
- Squats with a Twist: This is similar to a regular squat. The only difference is that you are going to raise your knee and bring it to the opposite elbow. That’s where the twist comes in. Start with your feet shoulder width apart. Then raise your knee and bring it to the opposite elbow. Then slowly lower your knees and hips back as if you were going to sit in a chair. Pause and hold. Next slowly raise your body forward until you are back where you started.
- Plank Knee to Elbow: Start in a push up position. Then raise one knee, bring it up to the same arm, and touch your elbow. Pause and hold. Then slowly lower your knee back down.
- Donkey Kickbacks: Start by kneeling on the floor on all fours. Then lift your leg and bend your knee back. Until it creates a 90 degree angle between your hamstrings and calves. Pause and hold. Then slowly lower your leg back down to where you started. Continue with the opposite leg.
Personal Training
As a Personal Trainer I work with clients to help them become the best version of themselves. By creating innovative and effective workout programs that produce lasting results. If your goals are to lose weight, get lean, and or build muscle I can help. Shop my workout programs and coaching services to get started.
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