The next day starts the night before.
The Ultimate Night Routine
My evening routine has changed so much over the years. That I am going to call this the ultimate night routine. Because not only does it help me wind down in the evenings, but it also set me up for a great day the next day. Speaking of the next day. Be sure to read my blog post on, The Perfect Morning Routine. Only after you have finished reading this post. In order to see how I end my day and start my day.
Clean The Kitchen 8:00 PM
At eight o’clock I like to start winding down for the night. My evening routine is what I call the next day prep. Because the next day starts the night before.
When I wake up in the morning. I do not like walk into a kitchen with stains on the counters and dirty dishes in the stick. With that said, I like to start my evening routine by cleaning the kitchen. I will wipe down all of the counter tops, make sure that there are no dished in the sink, and clean off the stove. So that when I walk into the kitchen the next day everything is where it should be.
I go more into detail about my cleaning routine, in a previous blog post that I wrote. Where I shared, My Weekly Cleaning Routine. That blog post also includes a cleaning checklist that you can download and use.
Drop The Temperature
After, I am done cleaning the kitchen. I will walk over to the thermostat and drop the temperature. Our bodies temperature decreases as we sleep. So it’s ideal to sleep in a cool environment for a good nights sleep. During the day the temperature is set at seventy six degrees, but at night I like to drop it down to seventy four degrees. I’ll also take this time to check the lock on the front door and set the alarm for the house. You can never be too safe.
If you struggle with sleeping at night. Then read my blog post on, Tips For A Good Night’s Sleep.
Check My Schedule 8:30 PM
Next, I like to walk into my office and check my schedule. I like to see what all I have going on for the next day. So that I can make sure that I have everything I need laid out on my desk. Depending on what I am doing the following day. I will also set my electronics to charge. For example, my laptop, AirPods, and the batteries to my camera, etc.
If you are interested in reading more about my office and how I schedule my day. Then read these previous blog posts, where I gave A Tour Of My Office and I shared How To Create A Daily Schedule.
Pick Out Clothes
Once my office is set up for the following day. I like to go into my closet and pull out the clothes that I am going to wear for the next day. The first thing I do when I wake up is workout. So I pick out my workout outfit along with my socks and shoes. Then I will pick out what I plan to wear after my workout.
Get Ready For Bed 9:00 PM
After, I pick out my clothes for the next day. I will get ready for bed by brushing my teeth, taking out my contacts, and putting on my glasses. Then I will do my Skincare Routine. Next, I’ll brush my hair and style it in a braid. I have very long thick hair that goes all the way down to my waist. With that said, I prefer to sleep with my hair in a braid so that I don’t get hot when I sleep.
Read A Book
Lastly, I have been building the habit of reading a book before I go to bed. I’ll usually stay up anywhere from twenty to thirty minutes reading. Enough to knock out a chapter or two. By this time is roughly ten o’clock and I am ready to go to sleep.
Watch On YouTube
I filmed my evening routine on my YouTube channel to compliment this blog post. Click the link below to watch. Don’t forget to “Like” this video and “Subscribe” to my YouTube channel. So you can keep up with my latest videos. I upload new videos every Sunday and Thursday.
This concludes the ultimate night routine. I do this evening routine almost every night. Sometimes on the weekends I may get away from it. Depending on what all I have planned on the weekends. I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post. By sharing my night routine, I hope that I have inspired you to create a night routine of your own. If you have any questions feel free to comment below.