The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities. I think thats where a lot of people get it wrong. They schedule their day with a bunch of tasks that keep them busy. But they don’t stop to consider if any the tasks that they are doing are really a priority.
How To Create A Daily Schedule
I get a lot of questions on how I find time to do all that I do. With that said, I’m going to teach you how to create a daily schedule. By sharing what tools and tips I use in order to create my daily schedule. Every day won’t look the same but at least with what I am going to share with you. You will be equipped to create a daily schedule that works for you that is focused on your priorities.
Use A Scheduling Tool
I’m a little old school, in which I like to write things down. I have a physical planner that I look at every day to help hold me accountable for what I have to do each day. Some people prefer digital planners, like google calendar or they use the calendar on their cell phone. Use the scheduling tool that works best for you.
My favorite planners are the Happy Planner and the Passion Planner. There have been times, where I went without a planner and chose to use a Yearly Wall Calendar and a Monthly Wall Calendar instead. Using a planner and or a monthly calendar helps me get a visual of what all I have planned. It also helps me in planning ahead.
Plan Ahead
If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. Put any upcoming appointments, vacations, and or events that you have in your planner. If I know I have something coming up I make it a priority to be prepared for it. By seeing it in my planner time and time again it is a constant reminder. I won’t forget the date and I’m not waiting until the last minute to get ready for it. For example, I have dates in my planner filled months in advance for goals I want to accomplish, trips that I have planned, and events that I want to go to.
For more on how to plan ahead. See these other posts, How To Prepare For A New Year and How To Set And Achieve Your Goals.
Make A To Do List
Every night, before I go to bed. I make a to do list for the following day. Anything that I don’t want to forget, want to do, and or need to do. I write it down. Then the following day I will look at my to do list and start deciding when I can do what by time blocking.
I like to use this To Do List Notepad. It is a very simple yet functional design with check boxes so you can mark off when you’ve completed each task.
Time Block Your Day
I like to time block my to do list. Time blocking is where you plan out your day in advanced and dedicate specific hours to accomplish certain tasks. When I look at my to do list, I time block everything into my schedule. That way it makes everything more manageable. I’ll time block two hours to edit a video and or an hour for going to the gym. If something takes longer than expected and or I can’t get to something. I will just roll it over into the next day.
My favorite time blocking tool is this Tear Off Notepad. It is a weekly schedule from Monday – Friday with time blocks that start at 6AM and end at 9PM.
Schedule Downtime
All work and no play is not good for the soul. Don’t forget to incorporate some downtime in your schedule. I’m afraid if you don’t, then you are going to burn yourself out. I’ll include spending time with family or friends in my schedule, binge watching Netflix, and or I’ll just leave my schedule open. Be flexible. If you have been working hard and want to take a break then take a break.
Set A Timer
I use the timer on my cell phone for certain tasks. If I don’t want to get stuck working on something for hours. I will set a specific amount of time that I want to dedicate to whatever it is. For example, If I have a YouTube video that I want to edit. I will set aside two hours and then when the two hours are up. I will move on to another task. That way I don’t get overwhelmed and I don’t lose track of time.
Create A Routine
I’m the type of person who likes structure. With that said, I like to create routines for things that I do often and or repeatedly. A routine is a sequence of actions that are regularly followed. Everything that I have shared with you in this blog post. Is apart of my routine for creating my daily schedule. For example, I start everyday by checking my planner, I plan ahead, I go through my to do list (which I created the night before), and I time blocking my schedule for the day. Since I do this everyday it has become a routine for me to start my work day
If you are interested in learning more about my routines. Then see these other posts, The Perfect Morning Routine, The Ultimate Night Routine, and My Daily Skincare Routine.
Watch On YouTube
Now that I have shared how to create a daily schedule. Incorporate what tips work best for you and create a daily schedule for yourself. I complimented this blog post with a YouTube video. You can watch it below.
Don’t forget to “Like” this video and to “Subscribe” to my YouTube channel so you can see the next video that I will be posting. I upload new videos every Sunday and Thursday. I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post. If you have any questions feel free to comment below.
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