I posted the ultimate chest workout video on my YouTube channel. I wanted to compliment it with a blog post. The exercises are listed below along with the link to the video.
The Ultimate Chest Workout
Warm Up
- Wide Grip Bench Press: Lie on a flat bench and use a wide grip to hold the bar above you. Lift the bar and hold it above you with your arms locked. Slowly lower the bar until it almost touches your chest. Pause and hold. Then slowly raise the bar back to where you started.
Chest Exercises
- Incline Bench Press: Start by adjusting the bench to an incline position that is comfortable for you. Then load the machine with the desired weight. Lie on the bench and grip the bar above you. Lift the bar and hold it above you with your arms locked. Slowly lower the bar until it almost touches your chest. Pause and hold. Then slowly raise the bar back to where you started.
- Dumbbell Flyes: Start by selecting a pair of dumbbells. Lie flat on a bench and hold the dumbbells straight above you with the palms of your hands facing each other. Keep a slight bend in your elbows. Then slowly lowers your arms holding the dumbbells on either side of you in a wide arc. Pause and hold. Then slowly raise your arms and return back to where you started.
- Wide Hand Push Ups: Start by laying on the floor, face down. Place your hands a little wider than shoulder width apart in front of you, palms facing down. Lift and hold your body at arms length. Next lower your body towards the ground until your chest almost touches the floor. Hold for a moment. Then push your body back up to where you started.
- Close Hand Push Ups: These are similar to wide hand push ups. The only difference is that you are going to use a close grip, and rest your knees on the ground. Position your body in a push up position, with your knees kneeling on the ground. Then place your hands closer than shoulder width apart in front of you, palms facing down. Lift and hold your body at arms length. Next lower your body towards the ground until your chest almost touches the floor. Hold for a moment. Then push your body back up to where you started.
Ab Exercises
- Toe Touchers: Start by lying on the ground, with your legs extended straight in the air. Your feet should be parallel to the ground. Then slowly lift your shoulders up off the floor and extend your arms out to touch your toes. Opposite hand touches opposite toes. Pause and hold. Then slowly lower your shoulders back down.
- Crunches: Start by lying down on the floor. Then place your hands behind your head. Slowly raise your upper body up off the floor towards your knees. Pause and contract your abs at the top, hold. Then slowly lower back down.
- Cable Crunches: Use a rope attachment for this exercise. Start by kneeling down in front of a cable pulley with a rope attachment. Grab the rope attachment and separate the handles hold it behind your neck, on either side of your face. Lower your body down from a kneeling positions into a crunch by engaging your core and pulling your chest to your knees. Pause and hold. Then slowly release and raise your body back up into a kneeling position.
- Knee Raises: Start by standing on parallel bars. Rest your forearms on the pads in front of you and hold on to the handles. Then slowly raise your knees to your chest. Pause and hold. Then slowly lower them back down.
Personal Training
As a Personal Trainer I work with clients to help them become the best version of themselves. By creating innovative and effective workout programs that produce lasting results. If your goals are to lose weight, get lean, and or build muscle I can help. Shop my workout programs and coaching services to get started.
Don’t forget to “Like” this video and to “Subscribe” to my YouTube channel. So you can keep up with my latest videos. I hope you enjoyed the ultimate chest workout. If you have any questions feel free to comment below.
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