My Weekly Cleaning Routine
I am going to share my weekly cleaning routine with you. The house cleaning tips and tricks that I do to make sure that I have a clean home. Be sure to read though to the end, where I share a cleaning checklist that you can download and use.
Before my current cleaning routine. I use to spend every Saturday morning cleaning my home. Right after my morning workout. I would go from room to room cleaning my home. I would also do a deep clean every other week in certain areas. After a while I started to get burnt out from this routine. I realized that by mid afternoon on Saturdays I was exhausted from cleaning all morning. That I didn’t want to do anything else. I would just stay home, relax, and not do much else.
With that said, I recently changed to a weekly cleaning routine. Cleaning my home Monday thru Friday and taking the weekends off. What I do, is after my morning workout. I will take an hour to clean two rooms. I will split my time between 30 minutes in one room and 30 minutes in another room. That’s it. Between Monday thru Friday I am able to clean my entire home with this routine.
Monday: Garage + Courtyard
Tuesday: Living Room + Office
Wednesday: Bedrooms
Thursday: Bathrooms
Friday: Kitchen + Patio
This routine has been working really well for me. Since I am already sweaty and gross from my workout. Not to mention still have somewhat of an adrenaline rush. I can knock out cleaning two rooms easily and then take a shower afterwards. I hope that by sharing my weekly cleaning routine. You might pick up a couple of tips and tricks to add to your cleaning routine.
Monday’s House Cleaning Schedule
On Monday, I will clean my garage and the front courtyard. In the garage, I will wipe down the gym equipment that I have. I will also clean the mirror, sweep, and mop the floor. I’ll take some time to clean the laundry area, making sure that the lint trap for my dryer is empty. Sometimes if I used any tools during the week. I will make sure that they are put away in my tool bench. In my front courtyard, I will sweep any dirt and or leaves that have accumulated by my front door. I will also check on the plants that I have in the area and water them. Sometimes I’ll wipe down my BBQ grill too.
Tuesday’s House Cleaning Schedule
On Tuesday, I will clean the living room and my office. In the living room, I will vacuum, wipe down surfaces, and fluff the pillows on the sofa. Every other week, I will do a deep clean of the ceiling fan, mirrors, baseboards, and decor on the walls. In my office, I will vacuum, clean my desk, and go thru the closet. Every other week, I will do a deep clean of the ceiling fan, mirrors, baseboards, and decor on the walls. If you would like to see what my office looks like. In a previous blog post, I gave A Tour Of My Office.
Wednesday’s House Cleaning Schedule
On Wednesday, I will clean my bedroom which is the master bedroom and the guest bedroom. In the bedrooms, I will vacuum, wipe down the surfaces, and wash the sheets. Every other week, I will do a deep clean of the cleaning fans, mirror, baseboards, and decor on the walls.
Thursday’s House Cleaning Schedule
On Thursday, I will clean my bathroom which is the master bathroom and the guest bathroom. In the bathrooms, I will sweep, mop, clean the showers, toilets, vanity, mirrors, wall decor, switch out the towels, and take out the trash. Every other week, I will do a deep clean and wash the towels that I have switched out and I will wash the mats on the floor.
Friday ‘s House Cleaning Schedule
On Friday, I will clean the kitchen and the back patio. In the kitchen, I will sweep the floor, clean the dishes, wipe down surfaces, clean the inside of the microwave, check for expired foods, switch out the kitchen towels, switch out the placements on the dining table, and take out the trash. Every other week, I will do a deep clean and mop the floor, clean the chandelier, check the water filter, check the ice maker, and wash the kitchen towels. In the back patio, I will sweet the floor, wipe down surfaces, and water the plants, Every other week I will do a deep clean and I will mop the floor and clean the ceiling fan.
Saturday & Sunday’s House Cleaning Schedule
On Saturday and Sunday, I make it a point to not do any house cleaning or chores for that matter. I try and enjoy the weekend as much as possible and save any house chores for during the week. If I do happen to do anything house related. It’s most likely taking the trash out because it’s full and or putting the dishwasher to run because it is also full.
Deep Cleaning Schedule
As I mentioned earlier, every other week I like to do a deep clean in certain areas. A deep clean covers areas that I don’t get to by doing regular cleaning. For example, cleaning under furniture, dusting ceiling fans, wiping down light fixtures, cleaning blinds, baseboards, window frames, and door frames. The list could go on and on.
Please note that some of the links above or below may be affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I earn a commission if you make a purchase. I only recommend products and companies that I use and the income goes to supporting this blog.
Watch On YouTube
That is my weekly cleaning routine. I filmed my weekly cleaning routine on my YouTube channel to compliment this blog post. I’ve link the video down below for you to watch. Don’t forget to like this video and subscribe to my YouTube channel. So you can keep up with my latest videos. I upload new videos every Sunday and Thursday. I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post, my weekly cleaning routine. If you have any questions feel free to comment below.
Printable Weekly Cleaning Checklist
When I first uploaded this YouTube video. I got a request to create a cleaning checklist to go along with it. I thought that this was such a great idea. With that said, I created a printable weekly cleaning checklist that you can download, print, and use. Click here to download the checklist. When you click on the link, at first you will see my personal cleaning checklist. But if you scroll down, I created a blank template that you can print to create your own.
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