I recently shared the details of my Morning Routine with you. In that blog post, I mentioned that I end my morning routine by going to the gym. With that said, I wanted to break down my current workout routine for you.
My Current Workout Routine
I workout seven days a week. Now, at first that sounds excessive. I know, but hear me out. As you know I am a Personal Trainer. Prior to the pandemic, I was very active meeting with clients in person. However, due to the pandemic. I transitioned a lot of my business online, conducting personal training sessions virtually. With that said, I have a more sedentary lifestyle now. In order to offset having a sedentary lifestyle. I decided to extend my workout routine. From working out five days a week to sevens days a week. Isolating each muscle group.
I consider stretching to be apart of my workout routine. Because I stretch before and after every workout. In my morning routine, I mentioned that I like to stretch anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes before going to the gym. I mostly do static stretches, but sometimes I incorporate dynamic stretches too.
However, if I am feeling sore and or have a lot of knots in certain areas. Then I will use a Foam Roller and foam roll instead. A foam roller is a tool used to massage your body in order to help with recovery. If you want to learn more about foam rolling. I wrote a blog post on, How To Use A Foam Roller.
Warm Up
Before I jump into my workout. I like to do two to three full body exercises to get warmed up. Doing a warm up raises your bodies temperature and increases blood flow to your muscles. It basically gets your heart, lungs, and muscles ready for a strenuous workout. Some of the warm up exercises that I do are jumping rope, jumping jacks, burpees, squats, push ups and or lunges.
Weight Training
I weight train seven days a week, isolating each muscle group. Below I break down which muscle groups I train, and on what days of the week I train them.
- Mondays: Back
- Tuesday: Biceps
- Wednesday: Legs (hamstrings)
- Thursday: Shoulders
- Friday: Legs (glutes)
- Saturday: Chest and Triceps
- Sunday: Legs (quads)
I like to do five exercises per muscle group. For example, when training legs I will do the following five exercises squats, lunges, leg press, leg curl, and leg extension. As far as sets and repetitions, I will do anywhere from three to four sets of eight to twelve repetitions. However, when I train legs I tend to do more repetitions. I will do anywhere from fifteen to twenty repetitions when training legs.
When it comes to rest time. I will rest anywhere from thirty seconds up to a minute in between my sets. I do try to challenge myself and will usually take a forty give second rest instead of the full minute rest. However, if I’m exhausted then by all means I will take the full minute rest.
Cardio Routine
As far as cardio, I incorporate jumping rope, walking, and running into my workout routine. I like to warm up by jumping rope anywhere from two to five minutes before every workout. I’ll alternate between using a Regular Jump Rope and a Weighted Jump Rope. I workout from home using my garage gym and the gym in my community. The inside loop of my community is a mile long. I will sometimes walk or run the inside loop of my community for added cardio.
Ab Routine
For my ab routine, I like to train abs on the days that I workout my upper body. So I train abs when I workout my back, biceps, shoulders, chest and triceps. I don’t train abs when I workout my lower body. Because I engage my core with every lower body exercise that I do. So I only train my abs on the days that I workout my upper body. Since I train abs pretty frequently, I only do two to three exercises when I do train my abs. One of the exercises will almost always include using the Ab Wheel. It’s very effective in strengthening your core.
Rest Days
Even though, I said that I workout seven days a week. That doesn’t mean that I don’t take rest days every once in a while. Sometimes I do take rest days if I am sick, injured, and or have a busy schedule. Rest days are important in order to let the muscles in your body recover from your workouts, it also allows them to grow, and prevents overuse injuries.
Since I train legs three times a week. If and when I do take a rest day I will usually skip a leg workout. If I take two more rest days, then I will pick up where I left off when I resume working out again.
Watch On YouTube
That is a wrap for my current workout routine. I filmed my workout routine on my YouTube channel to compliment this blog post. You can watch it below. Don’t forget to “Like” this video and “Subscribe” to my YouTube channel. So you can keep up with my latest videos. I upload new videos every Sunday and Thursday.
Personal Training
If you are struggling with your current workout routine. Then browse through the Workouts that I have shared here on the blog. Or check out my YouTube channel. Where I have a Workout Videos playlist. You can also train and workout with me by going to my coaching website www.nohemyadornofitness.com. As a Certified Personal Trainer, I work with clients to help them become the best version of themselves. By creating innovative and effective workout programs that produce lasting results.
I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post about my current workout routine. If you have any questions feel free to comment below. For more fitness tips see these other blog posts; The Benefits Of Jumping Rope, A Beginners Guide To Supplements, and How Often Should You Weigh Yourself.
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