I posted a workout video on my YouTube channel, of the best ab exercises. I wanted to compliment it with a blog post. You an do these exercises from home. The exercises are listed below along with the link to the video. There are fifteen exercises in total, so I split them into three circuits. The first target your upper abs, the second target your lower abs, and the third target your side obliques. You can include one of these circuits after your workout routine.
The Best Ab Exercises
- Toe Touch: Start by lying on the ground, with your legs extended straight in the air. Your feet should be parallel to the ground. Then slowly lift your shoulders up off the floor and extend your arms out to touch your toes. Pause and hold. Then slowly lower your shoulders back down. Repeat four sets of 25.
- Pilates 100’s: Start by lying down on the ground, with your arms extended by your sides. Be sure to have you r feet flat and knees bent. Then slowly raise your shoulders up of the ground and hover your arms on either side of you, about a 10 inch width. Repeat four sets of 25.
- V-Ups: Start by positioning your body in the shape of a letter V. Then slowly lower your upper and lower body just enough that you do not touch the floor. Then slowly raise your body back into the V position. Repeat four sets of 25.
- Wide Leg Cross Sit Up: Start by lying down on the ground, with your legs spread wide. Slowly raise your body up from your torso and alternate touching the opposite hand to the opposite foot. Then slowly lower back down to where you started. Keep your core engaged throughout this movement. Repeat four sets of 25.
- Crunches: Start by lying down on the floor. Then place your hands behind your head and clasp your fingers together. Slowly raise your upper body up off the floor towards your knees. Pause and contract your abs at the top, hold. Then slowly lower back down. Repeat four sets of 25.
- Bicycle: Start by lying flat on the ground, with your hands behind your head. Brings your knees up to where your legs are parallel to the floor. Begin moving your legs as if your were pedaling a bicycle. Then slowly lift your shoulders up off the floor and switch off alternating touching your elbows to the opposite knee. Repeat four sets of 25.
- Plank: Start with your body in a push up position. Instead of having your palms face down on the ground and arms extended you’re going to lower your forearms to the ground. Keep your body straight and hold this position for one minute. Then rest for 30 secs, and repeat for 3 sets.
- Plank Up & Down: This exercise is similar to a plank. The only difference is that you are going to alternate between resting on your forearms and going into a push up position. Start with your body in a push up position. Have your palms face down on the ground and arms extended. Then slowly lower your forearms to the ground. Push your body back up into a push up position again, and then slowly lower back down to your forearms. Repeat for four sets of 30-60 seconds.
- Single Leg Hip Raise: Start by lying down on the ground, with your feet flat and knees bent. Then slowly raise one leg up off the ground, thrusting your hips forward. Pause and hold. Then slowly lower back down to where you started.
- Dumbbell Side Bends: Start with your feet shoulder width apart, holding a dumbbell by your side. Then slowly bend at the waist to the opposite side. Pause and hold. Then slowly tilt your body back to where you started. Make sure to keep your core engaged throughout this movement.
- Jack Knifes: Start by lying down on your side. Place one leg on top of the other. Then place the arm of the side you are lying on in a comfortable spot, holding yourself up. Squeeze into your torso and slowly raise the top leg. Pause and hold at the top. Then slowly lower your leg back down. Repeat four sets of 25.
- Flutter Kicks: Start by lying down on a mat, with your legs extended straight out. Your arms should be by your side with your palms facing down. Slowly lift your legs up so that your heels are a few inches off the ground. Raise one foot above the other and then switch positions. Continue to do this switching movement until you are done with your set. Repeat four sets of 25.
- Heel Taps: Start by lying down on the ground, with your feet flat and knees bent. Extend your arms by your sides. Then slowly raise your shoulders up off the ground and alternate touching your ankles with your hands by moving from side to side. Repeat four sets of 25.
- Mountain Climbers: Start by being in a push up position. Then alternate bringing your knees up to your chest while your upper body maintains the push up position. Repeat four sets of 25.
- High Knees: Start with your legs hip width apart. Then begin to jog in place. Slowly start to alternate bringing your knees up to your chest. Repeat four sets of 25.
Personal Training
As a Personal Trainer I work with clients to help them become the best version of themselves. By creating innovative and effective workout programs that produce lasting results. If your goals are to lose weight, get lean, and or build muscle I can help. Shop my workout programs and coaching services to get started.
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